What is a Certified Tour Operator ?
Why you should consider working or traveling with a certified Tour Operator ?
It is true that nowadays, the world of tourism is full of labels and certifications. And for sure, it became difficult for travelers as well as for professionals to differentiate and understand them.
But somehow, getting to work with well certified TO will bring you assurance. It will also bring you : trust, value, quality, and guarantee of a successful experience and memorable travel. Certified TO focus on equity, respect and sustainability at all levels, from production to selling a tour.
At Detour, for example, we used to be Rainforest Alliance certified for years. As certification doesn’t come alone, and an investment need to be done, we decided this year to invest this money in our dear community tourism project, but we kept our overall level of quality.
Furthermore, this year we proudly got the TravelLife Partner certification, as well as other labels that showcase the work we are doing; For example, last year, we won for the third time the Güengüense National Award for Tourism Excellence, read more.
We are really focusing on working on a more responsible tourism worldwide. Mostly where we operate in Central America, we believe that it can help local communities. We can also make a change on the global economy and the environnement. Working or traveling with a certified TO allows you to be part of the adventure too!
If you would love to learn more about what is it like to be a certified tour operator, and what are the advantages to work with one, we will be happy to hear from you , contact us!